Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Tillis Claim the Liberal media is distorting his Records

From Tillis Facebook page,

The liberal media, national Democrats, and my political opponents continue to launch false attacks and distortions of my conservative record to try to slow down our building momentum. Please be sure to sign up here and learn the facts without the media filter: http://thomtillis.com/learn-the-facts-without-the-media-filter/

The get this info you have to sign up for it.. I.E newsletter..

His Voting Record,

  1. Voted for the Constitutional amendment state what Marriage is.
  2. Reduce taxes for Big Businesses while increase it for others
  3. Vote to give Big Oil more tax breaks and to allow Fracking
  4. Voted for and engineer the Voter ID and other Voting laws
  5. Vouchers for private schools,
  6. voted against women Abortions rights
  7. Voted for the Predatory Lending groups, while taking money from them
  8. he is against a minimum wage too. He feel companies and business should be able to pay what ever wage they want, no matter how low.
  9. Voted to Repeal the Racial Justice Act
  10. votes for HB-17 Prohibits disclosure of Concealed Firearm Permit info
  11. Voted against the Medicaid Expansion
  12. Voted HB7, which allows the Community Colleges to Opt out of Federal Loan Program
  13. Voted against Teachers with SB 727 no dues Check off for School Employees
  14. voted against SB 1015, Homeowner and homebuyer Protection Act
  15. Voted against making General Statutes Gender Neutral
  16. Vote against the bullying Prevention and Violence in School bill
  17. Voted against the Parental Choice Between Abstinence-only or Comprehensive Sex Education

so Tillis is on the line of moderate and Right Conservative.

He in the pockets of the American Legislative Exchange Council. he used a “nonprofit” front group to skirt campaign finance rules. Promoted his shadow senate bid before he announced, and now have a super pac helping his efforts.

Tillis’ Group “Can Raise Money From Special Interest Groups While The Legislature Is In Session” And “Is Not Required To Disclose Its Donors” – Plus, “There Are No Limits On The Amounts That Donors Can Give, Unlike Normal Political Contributions.”

wait there is more,


4/23/13: Thom Tillis Responded That The Lobbyist Gift Ban Legislation Was “Dead.” Thom Tillis tweeted: “RT @BenRay: @newsobserver wants to know-- does GOP resent lobbying rules?  Benny, does the fact that the bill is dead give you any idea?” [@thomtillis, 4/23/13]

  • 4/23/13: NCDP Rapid Response Director Asked If Thom Tillis Supported Legislation To Repeal The Lobbyist Gift Ban. The North Carolina Democratic Party’s Rapid Response Director, Ben Ray, tweeted: “.@newsobserver wants to know-- does @thomtillis and @SenatorBerger's GOP resent lobbying rules?  http://j.mp/13sdDbz  #NCGA #NCSen.” [@BenRay, 4/23/13]

4/10/13: Legislation Repealing The Lobbyist Gift Ban Was Referred To The House Rules Committee The Day After It Was Introduced. [HB 640 (Reporting of Gifts), referred to committee, 4/10/13]

4/9/13: The Equal Pay Act Was Referred To The House Rules Committee The Day After It Was Introduced. [HB 603 (Equal Pay Act), referred to committee, 4/9/13]

  • Rep. Deborah Ross Proposed An “Equal Pay Act” For North Carolina, Banning Employers From Paying Workers Difference Based On Gender, But Its “Prospects Are Dim After Its Immediate Referral To The House Rules Committee, Which Is A Common Way For Leaders To Dispose Of Bills Without A Hearing Or Debate.”

Mostly recently busted for lying about where he went to College, Claiming it doesn’t really matter..

Tillis also defended the closed-door meeting he set up with House Republican lawmakers and lobbyist on Video Poker.

Tillis’ Campaign Sent Fundraising Solicitations To Lobbyists Despite Prohibitions Against Donations. “Political fundraising requests continue to flood the in-boxes of North Carolina lobbyists, despite state campaign finance laws that make such donations illegal. At least one lobbyist recently got this email from House Speaker Thom Tillis' campaign, asking for $4,000 contributions by Sept. 14. At the bottom, a disclaimer says the campaign can't take money from lobbyists, but it asks them to ‘pass the information along to any interested parties and recommend support where appropriate.’…‘It feels like a shakedown, really,’ said Bob Hall, director of government watchdog Democracy North Carolina. Such requests pressure lobbyists to push their clients to donate to lawmakers, Hall said. ‘It's enormous pressure on someone who's doing business with someone else. If you want to continue that relationship, you've got to pony up the money,’ said Hall. ‘it’s exactly the kind of pay-for-play system that we tried to clamp down with lobbying reform several years ago.’ Under reforms passed in the 2006-07 legislative session, lobbyists cannot donate to or collect checks for campaigns themselves. But they can still advise their clients' political action committees to do so.” [WRAL, 8/21/12]


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