Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Another takes his’ life after being bullied at school

17473534_BG1Kenneth Weishuhn 14, committed suicide as a result of relentless bullying after coming out.

“He says, ‘Mom, you don’t know how it feels to be hated,” said Jeannie Chambers.

“People that were originally his friends, they kind of turned on him,” said his sister Kayla Weishuhn.

Teasing started in school, according Kayla, a sophomore.  She says it was the boys in her class, that bullied her brother over his sexuality.

many blame the following

Brian Brown, Maggie Gallagher, Tony Perkins, Bryan Fischer, Kirk Cameron, Rick Santorum Ruben Diaz, Pope Benedict and any other anti-gay mouth piece who does nothing but promote the hate


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