Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Tami is Getting worry, that they might lose this Marriage Fight..

Dear Marriage Supporter,

We could lose on May 8 if we fail to counter the opposition’s deceitful TV ads.  

The opposition is basing their ads on falsehoods. And they’re running those ads twice as many times as we are running ours. The reason? They have more money.

We need your help to spread the truth about the Marriage Protection Amendment across North Carolina—and we must have your financial support in order to refute the opposition’s campaign of deception.

Many strong conservatives say that we do not need television advertisements to win on May 8. But that is simply not the case. Public Policy Polling released a poll today that showed that support for the Amendment is down since March.  In fact, they said that “Momentum is turning against North Carolina’s proposed marriage amendment.” We must get the facts straight about the Amendment so that voters remain strong on marriage and head to the polls in droves to vote FOR the Marriage Protection Amendment on May 8.  

There are only two weeks left until the final votes are cast on the Marriage Protection Amendment—will you help us preserve marriage in North Carolina from activists who want to redefine marriage for all of us?

We need your support now more than ever before, so we can put more of our ads on television to counter the deceptive ads of our opponents.  Don’t be one of those marriage supporters who is willing to risk losing this important issue just because you think the Amendment will pass no matter what our opponents do.  I urge you to donate now to ensure that marriage remains between one man and one woman in North Carolina.


Tami Fitzgerald
Chairwoman, Vote FOR Marriage NC


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