Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Hate March or the right to assemble

This past Saturday, while eastern NC was preparing for hurricane Irene, in the West they were having a Pride Festival.. Yes while some in NC was holding down the fort, others where a street party, wow..

Charlotte pride is held every year, and every year they are invaded by a bunch of bible carrying citizens.

This year was no different for past gatherings. However this Year the number of religious protesters whom show up to protest the event were larger then before.

They come to preach the word of God, and some just right out hatred for others. To group them all in one category is wrong..

So this year it was the color red everywhere that marked these folks.. They were lead by Michael Brown. Many of his group hurled insults and condemnation at the attendees of the Pride event, while others of his group had peaceful discussion with a few of the attendees.

They invade our events, call us names, while most of us just go on about our business, never giving them any thought, unless we see a very hot Hottie, then a few us will chat with them.. However we very seldom invade theirs; while they show up at almost every event that we have..

The Question is why do we constantly call them bigots and so on.. They are practicing their rights under the very same law as we do. Joe of named his piece “more on the Charlotte Hate march.”


The other thing I don’t understand about mine/our community is why we get so bent out of shape when they show up to ours, we know that they are going to come to them. Yet, we don’t go to theirs to voice our voices, why?

The only recently fundie event that I can think of that our community members showed up for was this May in Raleigh. When a couple of group got together for a Protect Marriage Rally in Raleigh..DSC_0105

Yes they had their rally, however a few community members did show up.


This group stood very quietly, beside/behind the stage. However they were ask to leave, which they didn’t. Well, not right away anyway.

The fundie don’t like when we show up, they claim it was private event on public property each time.. Yet we don’t force them to leave when they show up at our rallies.

In June our Community had our marriage rally.. Yes; and they showed up..DSC_0730

This shot was taken after we allowed them to stay, the only requested that they couldn’t used the blow horn anymore.. yes they weren’t very happy, since they could preach loudly. They just stood off to the side for 45 minutes..

I have to wonder why are upcoming rally will hold for us..


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