Monday, January 9, 2012

Tillis and his Gop-gang isn’t going to like this… @newsobserver

Judge grants embattled NC teachers' association a temporary delay on last week's dues legislation:

The NC Association of Educators won a small victory by getting a Judge to order a temporary restraining order, putting the mid-nite override bill on hold.

This vote will be the undoing of the NCGA GOP. Tillis is face a backlash over this vote, where is claims that they had the right to do.. But we all know if the was reverse they would be doing the complaining and whining about it. That the Dem’s over step their power and so on.. Its ok when they do, not when the other side does..

I can only hope that this will wake up NC citizens, so they can see what the GOP is doing to our state before it too late..

NCAE President Sheri Strickland said “This law is an attempt to bully us into silence.”


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