Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Michele Bachmann a victim of Gerrymandered,

"A major development has just occurred in my race for the U.S. House of Representatives and I'm asking for your immediate help. You see, in retaliation for repeatedly standing up to President Obama on the national stage, liberal judges have redrawn the lines of my Minnesota Congressional District to try and wipe me off of the political map once and for all. Their bias was so obvious they even gerrymandered my home -- where my wonderful husband Ladybird and I live –-entirely out of my District and placed it into one held by a six-term Democrat incumbent! My friend, I want you to know that I am taking every necessary step to fight back against this political attack on my re-election campaign." - Rep. Michele Bachmann, in a fundraising email sent today.

Its ok when the Rep do this to a Dem, but not ok when a Dem does it to a Rep..

Bitch Please,

cry us a river..


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