Friday, October 7, 2011

Where are the Job Bills??

Congress just doesn’t care.. They have their jobs so fuck the rest of the nation. Lets work on Abortions instead.

boehner_reuters_jasonreedHouse Republicans next week plan to pass legislation that would close what they say are loopholes that allow last year's healthcare law to be used to provide federal support for abortions.

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) said the House would consider H.R. 358, the Protect Life Act, on Thursday. The bill, offered by Rep. Joe Pitts (R-Pa.), amends the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) so that federal funds would be prohibited from being used to cover any part of the costs of any health plan that includes coverage for abortion services.

Twitter - @daveweigel- Cantor- Next week House wi ..._1317999944138

The health care reform law signed by President Obama doesn't cover abortion services


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