Sunday, October 23, 2011

When your Party Loses, make sure you Blame Obama

Wake County GOP Chairwoman Susan Bryant blames "President Obama's national organization" for last week's election results that could lead to Democrats regaining control of the county school board.

Yes this very delusion piece of crap, wants to blame Obama for their loses in the most recent election in Wake County. I guess it had nothing to do with the lies and sorry ass jobs that they were doing.. it also had nothing to do with the group’s sick ideology.

2"Make no mistake!" Bryant writes in a GOP newsletter this week. "President Obama's national organization was very much involved in the recent elections, with particular emphasis on Ron Margiotta's and Heather Losurdo's campaigns. They hired 'volunteers' and spent tens of thousands on mailers cleverly disguised as coming from non-related groups."

Please cry me a damn river..


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