Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Brian Brown and John Eastman is Pissed over Prop8 ruling.

Brian Brown:

“As sweeping and wrong-headed as this decision is, it nonetheless was as predictable as the outcome of a Harlem Globetrotters exhibition game,” said Brian Brown, NOM’s president. “We have anticipated this outcome since the moment San Francisco Judge Vaughn Walker’s first hearing in the case. Now we have the field cleared to take this issue to the US Supreme Court, where we have every confidence we will prevail.”
  John Eastman, the chairman of NOM:

“Never before has a federal appeals court – or any federal court for that matter – found a right to gay marriage under the US Constitution,” said constitutional scholar John Eastman, who is chairman of NOM. “The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals is the most overturned circuit in the country, and Judge Stephen Reinhardt, the author of today’s absurd ruling is the most overturned federal judge in America. Today’s ruling is a perfect setup for this case to be taken by the US Supreme Court, where I am confident it will be reversed. This issue is the Roe v Wade of the current generation, and I sincerely doubt the Court has the stomach for preempting the policy judgments of the states on such a contentious matter, knowing the lingering harm it caused by that ruling.”

They may be piss, but not to proud to beg for money.. yes I got an email within 30min after the ruling asking for fund to take this to the Supreme Court ..

from Brian Brown email,

In the next week, we need to raise at least $100,000 online to immediately assist with the appeal to the Supreme Court.

Your donation is tax-deductible and will be kept confidential. Whether you can give $10,000, $1,000, $100 or $10, we need your help today! Every penny you give will go directly toward the Prop 8 legal expenses.

This is it. This is the whole ball game. If we lose here, the laws in 44 states defending marriage will crumble and we CANNOT let that happen!

I still have to wonder what will the nc fundies and Brain Brown do if the people of nc Vote don’t Amendment 1 at the polls, marking the first southern state to say no writing hate into our State Constitution..  


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