Friday, June 17, 2011

Douchebag of the Day: Rep. Duncan Hunter tries one last attempt to stall DADT...


210px-Duncan_D._Hunter,_official_photo_portrait,_111th_CongressOn a related note. In a last-ditch effort yesterday Duncan douche Hunter and some other anti-gay Republicans of the U.S. House wrote President Obama on Thursday asking him to hold off on certification of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal until Congress can review the Defense Department’s policy changes that would lead to open service.

I don’t follow this cause that much, however I do love the comment that makes.. I do agree that anyone who is a US Citizen should be allow to service their country, even to die for their country..

Here is what I find disgusting about Duncan douche. He is a former Marine and served along side fellow gay service members some of  whom have died protecting this country and himself during combat and this is how he honors their duty to us? The arrogance and smugness of this scumbag is despicable. What a piece of shit.


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