Saturday, June 18, 2011

NCGA Tweets of Interest of the day

Voter ID bill veto expected by North Carolina Gov. Perdue

@ncgovoffice Perdue has just vetoed S 727, the NCAE dues checkoff bill. #ncga

gop-led nc house guts educ & now voted 2 give $2mil tax brk 2 alex lee inc., $1.8bil/yr co. that just laid off 50 wrkrs 2 automate #ncga #fb

#ncga 179 laws already -- 114 on Guv desk -- 109 to go to Guv Monday

@ncgovoffice: Read why Gov. Perdue vetoed SB 727: "a petty and vindictive attempt to seek retribution" #NCGA"

Apparently, the #ncga Democratic 'Gang of 5' were done no redistricting favors. Not as Democrats.

Goolsby to realtors: Would you like fries with that bill? #NC_GOP #NCGA #50 #p2

#ncga FUBAR meter has been lowered to 3. The republic is safe until July 13. #adjournment #nomorelaws

re: "gang of 5" #NCGA Dems, can't quite tell, but Rep Crawford (D) may be in a VRA district now, or lots of Dem territory is gone #NCPOL

#NCGA House had adjourned until the special session starting July 13th.

think there might be some confusion about where Rep Mobley (D) lives, if she lives where the #ncga website says she does, she's doublebunked


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