Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Obama seek money for A-List Gays and Lesbians


Tomorrow night President Obama will be holding a $1,250 per obama_gay_rights_nightcharmplate “Gala with the Gay Community,” hosted by Doogie Houser (NPH) at The Sheraton Hotel in New York City. 

"The LGBT Leadership Gala" (some leadership) is the first fundraising event with the LGBT community held by a sitting president to ask the LGBT Community's help to get him elected in 2012.  Also tomorrow night President Obama IS NOT expected to endorse same sex marriage.

The nerve, the gall, the utter balls this man has coming to us for support when he delivered a mere fraction of the promises he made while writing pretty proclamations and throwing LGBT cocktail parties and crumbs to
FOUR YEARS without putting any REAL PRESSURE or taking any REAL ISSUES

Now nice, what about all those you can’t dish up the dough? These Gala only serve to keep those with less means out of the Political scene. It’s the same in every state, every elections, they only want the A-listers with money to attend and minge with them.

For one the LGBT Community hasn’t seem much change in our status since he got office, well, yes DADT, but it’s fully done yet is it.

You want the money?  You want the LGBT Community's full support and backing.  Then do your fucking job and keep your fucking promises and "evolve" already because we may not have much of a choice in voting for you.  But we DON'T have to "support" you.


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