Monday, June 27, 2011

Another Veto, You Go Bev

Today, Governor Bev Perdue stood with the women of North Carolina by vetoing H.B.854, the “Women Know Nothing” bill!

Without her veto, this extremist legislation would have become law, drastically altering reproductive choice and freedom in our state. H.B.854 would have established extreme barriers to abortion care, including a 24-hour waiting period, a mandated ultrasound, and a requirement that physicians read women a script written by anti-choice politicians

In a statement, Perdue said the bill would interfere with doctor-patient relationships.

“This bill is a dangerous intrusion into the confidential relationship that exists between women and their doctors," she said.  "The bill contains provisions that are the most extreme in the nation in terms of interfering with that relationship. Physicians must be free to advise and treat their patients based on their medical knowledge and expertise and not have their advice overridden by elected officials seeking to impose their own ideological agenda on others.”

This is Perdue's 10th veto of the year.


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