Thursday, March 8, 2012

VoteFORMarriage NC and Tami F. getting worry over the up coming May 8th ballot vote.. (it just may not be slam dunk after all)

Tami and her Group  is running scare, this piece from Daily Kos has them shaking in their heels.

In addition to the opposition’s 30 staff members, 7 field offices, 117 partner groups, and 20,000 phone calls they’re making per week, our opponents are working with 225 congregations and are bringing in the NAACP as well as Chad Griffin – a paid media consultant who is the founder of the Americans Foundation for Equal Rights and also the new President of the Human Rights Campaign (read more here). The opposition is also using to collect signatures and has even gotten People For the American Way to blast their list with lies about the Defense of Marriage Act.

She sent out a major call for help to stop the lies and distortions being spread by us radical activists. Just how does she want her fellow bigots to send in the cash wagon.. Starting with 20 bucks or more to help her keep the record Straight…

also it was noted this from Daily Kos,

“I can't imagine a more effective way to strike the fear of God into the hearts of marriage equality opponents than to see (another) southern state vote down an amendment like this" –Daily Kos

MMM, Tami just don’t know what to do. If NC is the first state to voted down this Amendment these bigots just won’t know what to do.. I’m sure Tami will wet her pants and Tony Perkins just might throw his bible  out the window.. Lets hope the window is open at the time..


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