Saturday, March 10, 2012

Alabama state Senator Scott Beason Proposes Legislation to Prohibit ‘Women and Non-Whites’

10439521-large can you believe this shit.. Proof the GOP wants up back in the 50’s.

no voting rights women or any non-white males..

Alabama state Senator Scott Beason already has had hints of a racist record within his tenure as part of his state’s legislative branch. It seems that he now has another piece of legislation that he would like to introduce as soon as possible especially with the upcoming 2012 elections fast approaching.

His new piece of legislation titled, “Voting for Americans in America by Americans” has many civil rights groups up in arms. Apparently the new law would only allow white, heterosexual, Christian, male land-owners to vote in elections. Beason said he wants to “bring America back to its founding with the traditions and core values that we once held as a nation. There is no room for women or non-whites in those values.” In doing so, he would be trying to skirt around the Constitutional Amendments already in place that allow all American citizens the capability to vote in public elections.

This piece of legislation is still in its preliminary stages with many of his fellow law makers urging him against this bold move. They are trying to convince him that if people didn’t already think he was a raging racist before after calling African-Americans “aborigines” then they most definitely will now.

When trying to contact state Senator Beason’s office, they refused to divulge any new information or answer any questions. We will just have to wait and see if this new bill comes to life within the state Senate of Alabama


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