Monday, April 23, 2012

Philip Bushong Dead After Altercation Over Gay Slur

philip_bushong_marineMarine Philip Bushong, 23, is dead after an altercation over a gay slur. Police in the District of Columbia have taken into custody Michael Joseph Poth, 20, also a Marine.

Bushong, who was based at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, was stabbed once in the chest with a pocketknife during the altercation which happened Saturday between 2:30 – 2:45AM in the 700 block of Eighth Street SE, just blocks from the Eastern Market Metro. Bushong was taken to a hospital where he was pronounced dead.

The Marines got into a fight when the suspect called the victim an anti-gay slur. However, there was no reason to believe either man was gay. Full story here!


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