Sunday, September 30, 2012

Ann Romney must have blinders on, not to notice the War on Women by the GOP.

150276505JS027_PRESIDENTIALAnn Romney recently total bull shit statement to women,

Women, you need to wake up. Women have to ask themselves who's going to have and be there for you. I can promise you, I know, that Mitt will be there for you. He will stand up for you, he will hear your voices.

Ann need to take off her rose color glasses.

I guess she has been living in a cave too.

We have watched the Republicans fight to take away women health care, make major cuts to Domestic Violence programs and block bills that would have give women equal pay for equal work..

Now Ann wants the women of the US to Vote for her husband by stating that he will be there for them, yeah right. Well, maybe if they give him very large checks..


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