Saturday, June 18, 2011

Will Perdue Veto the Voter ID Bill??

Via the 
(Photo credit for Clary, Hackney to M. Lewis)

RALEIGH - Republican-backed legislation requiring North Carolina voters to show picture identification before casting a ballot they know will count was headed Thursday to the desk of Gov. Bev Perdue, who sounds ready to veto the measure that fellow Democrats have called purely partisan.

THE Bill pass, but the real question is will she Veto this bill too.
"As a state, and as an elected official herself, she feels that we should encourage voting, not discourage it," Pearson said, adding that the bills are "going in the opposite direction of where we should go."
But you know there was support for this bill, those that supported claim there was been mass voter fraud, when there was no proof of such fraud..

hackneyJoe Hackney had this to said,
"Anything that lessens the ability of a voter in North Carolina to register, to actually vote when they get there ... and to have their vote to count, we hope that (Perdue) will veto it,"

244However Ms “Queen Bee” Debbie Clary had this to say,
"I don't think it's too much to ask of our voters to say and to be able to prove who they are,"
In this day and age where anyone can be anyone, due to identity thief does it really matter. I mean hell for the right price and if you know the right people or have the equipment you can get fake ids that claims you are someone else with any address you.

Also the bill would not allow straight party voting, that mean no more just pushing one button then leaving. I read a rumor couldn’t find if it was a fact or not, but a few tweeters claim that you could giving other voters a ride to the poll either. If this was the case then the GOP directly target those senior Citizens who live in Asst-living centers and Nursing Home, who would have Van many to the polls.


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