Monday, June 20, 2011

Urgent - Last Chance to Stop "Choose Life" Plates in NC!

The North Carolina Senate recently passed H.B.289, which includes a provision that will create “Choose Life” license plates. Just like H.B.854, the Women Know Nothing bill, it is now on the desk of Gov. Bev Perdue, awaiting her decision.

Send a message to Gov. Perdue NOW urging her to veto this bill!

All of the funds from these politically charged license plates would go to an organization that funnels money to 60 “crisis pregnancy centers” (CPCs) across the state. CPCs are anti-choice fake clinics that often use misinformation and deception to keep women from exercising their right to choose.

Our state has no business raising funds for unregulated organizations that deny women information about all of their reproductive health-care options.

The inclusion of "Choose Life" license plates in H.B.289 is bad public policy aimed at manipulating women with anti-choice rhetoric.

Let Gov. Perdue know you’re counting on her veto TODAY!

Every opportunity we had, pro-choice lawmakers offered amendments to create “Protect Choice” license plates as a counterpoint.  Anti-choice legislators shot down each attempt, making their intentions clear: these plates are not about fairness or freedom of expression. They are about funding facilities that manipulate and mislead women.

Let Gov. Perdue know that you find “Choose Life” plates objectionable by requesting her veto!

As with H.B.854, we need to make sure she does not sign this bill into law, or allow it to become law without her signature, by requesting her veto right now.

Thank you for your help to keep “Choose Life” license plates off the road in our state!

In solidarity,
Hillary Waugh Bruce
Programs Manager, NARAL Pro-Choice North Carolina


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