Saturday, June 18, 2011

AFA Calling for a Boycott of Foodlion Stores

(screen shot taken for AFA Website)AFA ActionAlert - Food Lion grocery stores endorse gay marriage_1308424850322
Yes a boycott of a grocery store, which is the only grocery store in most southern towns.. All over the fact that they sponsor LGBT events, I can only guess since FL don’t sponsor any AFA this is why they are calling for this insanely, and not to mention very unproductive boycott of FL.

Also they included a image file too, for this month, which is Pride Month.

Here is the email that they want you to send,
Dear President Green:
I am offended that Food Lion has taken sides in the culture battle for marriage. I support marriage as "one man, one woman."
Food Lion has shown its support for same-sex marriage by supporting homosexual activist groups and activities.
I encourage Food Lion to remain neutral in the culture war and stick to its primary business purpose - selling groceries.  That's what your competitors do...that's what Food Lion should do.
I am taking your company's activism into account when I do my grocery shopping.


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