Thursday, October 6, 2011

NC Congress Senator Selling out the People.

Via the Progressive Pulse,

Kay Hagan is introducing a bill today with her new chum, John McCain, to slash taxes on giant, profitable multi-national corporations. As we noted back in July after her speech to a pro-corporate think tank on the matter, this is the last thing our economy or tax system needs.

This is from that article:

“The bottom line on this matter is pretty simple:

1)      There is simply no end to the creativity of corporations and their tax lawyers when it comes to devising ways to avoid paying taxes (i.e. their fair share of the bill for our essential public services and structures);

2)      The last thing the American government or economy needs is another huge tax break for giant, profitable corporations; and

3)      Senator Hagan must know these truths and if she doesn’t, she needs to get up to speed real fast.”

Yes Hagen doesn’t care about the people, only the corps, that are handing her money under the table to do what they wish of her. She isn’t paying attention at all. Hello Hagan, Wake the Fuck UP… And smell the Bullshit…

I wonder how much does it cost to buy a Congressman/woman????


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