Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tillis Plan for 2013: Drug testing welfare recipients

Facts 4 #ncga RT @ACLU_NC "Drug testing welfare recipients ... is scientifically, fiscally, & constitutionally unsound" http://t.co/TFu0clo9

House Speaker Tillis says every public employee & recipient of public aid should be drug tested http://t.co/40bd77wg #ncga

Thom Tillis: From now on I shall call you Tillis Twatwaffle. Hope the voters in your district "Divide and Conquer" your ass in '12 #ncga

Fla. has lost more than $200,000 so far drug testing welfare applicants http://t.co/M497caZW #ncga Tills wants it here http://t.co/8t9yQRPZ

House Speaker Tillis says every public employee & recipient of public aid should be drug tested http://t.co/40bd77wg #ncga

Wow. @thomtillis wants to "divide and conquer" folks on public assistance. http://t.co/3PPXyHNx #ncga

House Speaker Thom Tillis, or should we call him Geronimo: bit.ly/ooKpVk #ncga

Well Tillis is now taking on Welfare recipients.. while not until 2013, and that is only if they are still in control.. Which they may not be, since in 2012 they did everything they could to destroy the Great State of NC. Not one clear cut job bill, they attack education, teachers and the environment. They threw our kids under the bus, while giving their staff large raises..

The 1996 Welfare Reform Act authorized - but did not require - states to impose mandatory drug testing as a prerequisite to receiving state welfare assistance.

I do agree testing state employees, start with Tillis, and rest of the House and Senate members and their staffers too.. then the rest of the state.


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