Saturday, October 22, 2011

An Email Full OF Lies and suppositions NC GOP Caucus

If the email is correct, then where are these Jobs??? the last I check or heard NC unemployment rate was over 10% again.. Berger help us to lose 1300 jobs a few weeks ago. Just who got those Jobs South Carolina did..

NCGOP a bunch a damn liars from hell,

Yesterday, the North Carolina Free Enterprise Foundation, a non-partisan organization, released its annual “Business Ratings” of the North Carolina General Assembly. As we promised on the campaign trail, the Republicans in the North Carolina House of Representatives have created an environment in North Carolina that is “business friendly.”

We all know that North Carolina’s business community is the job creation engine that will pull North Carolina out of this recession.

"The ratings are a reflection of the pro-business approach the House Republicans took during this session," said House Speaker Thom Tillis. "This was the most business-friendly session in recent memory, and this study confirms that."

“Based on voting tallies…and evaluations from business leaders,” the ratings show that Republicans have kept their promise to create a more business friendly environment to spur sustainable job creation.

Click here to see the full Business Ratings and see where you legislator ranks…

So far this year, the Republican-led General Assembly has passed common-sense legislation that will foster job creation in North Carolina.

Balanced Budget:
On June 15th, 2011 and with bipartisan support, the House voted 73 – 46 to override the veto of Governor Bev Perdue to balance the state’s budget.

Lowered Tax Rates:
The GOP budget contained the largest tax rate cut in the history of North Carolina. It makes our state more competitive with our neighbors again. It puts almost $1.5 billion back in to the hands of hard working North Carolinians.
Cuts taxes for EVERY North Carolinian by allowing temporary sales and personal income taxes to expire, reducing the state’s sales tax from 7.75% to 6.75%.

Regulatory Reform:
Both the Republican controlled House and Senate passed legislation to limit the financial burden of regulation on businesses. Here are some of the bills that became law:

Senate Bill 22 - An act to limit new agency regulatory requirements that result in substantial additional costs.
House Bill 542 - An act to provide tort reform for North Carolina citizens and businesses.
House Bill 709 - An act to Protect and Put NC Back to Work by reforming the Workers’ Compensation Act.
Senate Bill 781 - The Regulatory Reform act to increase regulatory efficiency in order to balance job creation and environmental protection.

Small Business:
Republicans implemented a $50,000 personal income tax deduction for non-passive business income that would provide tax relief to 450,000 business owners.

All Business:
Reduced regulatory burdens, reduced tax rates and created a stable and predictable economic environment for small business job growth in North Carolina.

Thanks for your continued support,
North Carolina Republican House Caucus


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