Thursday, October 13, 2011

Sally Kern is off her Meds again,Quick call the DR.

sallykern“I have to be honest with you Rick, when I was sitting there in my car that day and when she told me that those emails were coming from homosexuals, honestly, fear gripped by whole body, because I was very aware of the homosexual lobbyists and the power that they have. And people say, ‘oh you’re so brave, so heroic,’ but I’m not, I’m just a sinner saved by grace and I was gripped with fear that day. I just said, ‘Lord, what have I done?’ It entered our mind but honestly, and I mentioned this in the book, the Saturday night when my husband and I sit down and really talked about this and prayed about it, when we asked ourselves the question, are we willing to even lose our lives over this?” – Histrionic lunatic and Oklahoma Teatard Rep. Sally Kern, speaking on Christian radio.

Sally,,please we are to busy to worry about you, and all you are not worth killing or/and going to jail over.. Yes you might piss us off every time you open your mouth,but we have learn to tolerate your sick ass.

PSS, you need to get some work done, call a hair dresser and pay for the dye job,, you might want to spring for a facial too. I don’t think Hollywood is redoing the Wizard of OZ and time soon and I’m sure you are not on their list for the Wicked Witch of the West or East..


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