Monday, June 6, 2011

Mike Stone is Piss Over a Letter. What a Douchebag

A 3rd grade writing assignment has piss this NCGA Representative. Just because a letter he got was from his own Daughter.

Sanford, N.C. — In an attempt to appeal for more education funding in the state budget, Lee County Schools stepped over the line, a lawmaker said Monday.

Rep. Mike Stone, R-Lee, said school district officials had his 8-year-old daughter's third-grade class at Tramway Elementary School write letters to elected officials, including him, to protest cuts in the proposed $19.7 billion state budget.

"I was extremely disappointed, but I tried not to show that in front of my daughter," Stone said. "I don't know that at any time we should use our third-grade students as lobbyists."

However the Superintendent had this to say
Superintendent Jeff Moss said letters were also sent from students in other local schools to their representatives and to Gov. Beverly Perdue. Letters weren't written to "Mike Stone, the father" but to "Mike Stone, the representative," he said.
Stone is tick off because his daughter is learning that he supports destroying her school, firing her teachers, limiting funds for new text books, basically all around restricting education.

Moss, also had this to say as well, and he make a great point.. that Stone should listen and learn from.. That is if you can teach an old Rep new tricks…
"If you're not interested in receiving letters from people in your district, don't run for public office,"
However I fear that Stone will try to get the teacher and the superintendent fired.
"The disappointing side is we have a superintendent that lets this happen and go on and not willfully try to stop it," he said.


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