Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Michele don’t like the Illegal Aliens babies, whom are US Citizens..

From the Think Progress,

Late last week at a campaign stop in South Carolina, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) revived a debunked conservative talking point about so-called “anchor babies” — a derogatory term for the American-born children of undocumented immigrants who are full citizens under the 14th Amendment.

But Bachmann, who professes to revere the Constitution, suggested that these American citizens with foreign parents are somehow here “illegally” and that the “anchor baby” problem should be dealt with through legislation:

Bachmann, who was also asked about her position on illegal immigration, told the audience she thinks it is possible through legislation to stop the “anchor baby” problem of children born to mothers living illegally in the United States. When that happens she said, “A whole new set of implications arise for the United States. I do not believe that the American taxpayer should be paying benefits to people who are in the United States illegally.”

Does she not know how many of these “anchor Babies” are no longer babies but now are legal US Voters.. That she is telling these citizens you are not worth anything, that you are not a true US Citizens.. These are not the qualities that we seek in a President..

Her bigotry and hatred of so many US citizens is showing day after day..

She even co-sponsored a very unconstitutional bill call the Birthright Citizenship Act

The 14th Amendment provides that “[a]ll persons born or naturalized in the United States . . . are citizens of the United States,” with a narrow exception for children of ambassadors and other people who aren’t subject to U.S. law.

Bachmann’s bill openly defies this constitutional guarantee by declaring that the children of undocumented immigrants no longer enjoy birthright citizenship.

Michele must go period.. I would rather have Bush back before having her.. for our first Female President.


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