Monday, August 29, 2011

Trouble at Charlotte Pride

From and

flipbenham2One of many Christianists who spent the weekend hurling Religious/hate speech at the attendees of Charlotte Pride . Another of God's Gentle People was arrested for violating the city's noise ordinance

Benham was apparently the only one arrested.

His arrest was the latest in a string of run-ins with the law for the Concord-based preacher. But he says he's a victim of a city policy that chips away at his First Amendment rights by limiting how loud protesters can get.

"It's the way the city controls us," Benham said. "It controls the message that we speak. The city can control the content of a message if they can control the volume."

Benham also claims,

In fact, he said, his group is already making plans to protest at the Democratic National Convention next year.

"The city of Charlotte really wants me to shut up before the Democratic National Convention gets here," he said. "We're not worried about that. This is our city, and we have a responsibility to her."



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