Tuesday, July 26, 2011

NCGA bills 777 and 106

Your legislators are in Raleigh RIGHT NOW and they want to hear from YOU on how they should vote on HB 777/SB 106, the anti-LGBT constitutional amendment.

This could be your last chance to make your voice heard in opposition to this discriminatory legislation. Now, more than ever, you must tell your legislators to "JUST SAY NO!"

At this very moment, we're mobilizing LGBT rights supporters from all over the state to call in, write in, and get in contact with their legislators to make it very clear that they oppose any attempt to write discrimination into our state's founding document...and we vote.  Here's how you can join them in ACTING RIGHT NOW:

1) E-mail your legislators! We've made it easy. Let them know in your own words that you oppose efforts to write discrimination into our state constitution and, most importantly, tell them why they should be opposed to House Bill 777 / Senate Bill 106:  

The anti-LGBT amendment causes real harm. Couples will be denied even the most basic protections.

The anti-LGBT amendment is bad for business. It harms businesses' right to provide competitive benefits & signals to employers that our state does not welcome diversity.

The anti-LGBT amendment is a distraction from the voters' priorities. We want legislators to tackle jobs and the economy, not to advance a divisive social agenda.

Marriage is already denied same-sex couples by state law. This doesn't change marriage. It attacks LGBT North Carolinians and puts their basic rights up for a vote.

Your legislators need to know how these bills will hurt their constituents, and there's no better person than you to tell them!

2) Call your legislators! If you don't already have their numbers on speed dial, click here to look up the contact information for your NC representative and senator. Calling your legislator is super easy and low stress. All you need to do is say, "My name is _____ and I'm a constituent. I oppose House Bill 777 [for your representative] / Senate Bill 106 [for your senator] because it's bad for families, bad for business, bad for the economy, and bad for my state. Thank you." It's that simple!

3) Pass it on! Now that you've taken action, let your friends know that they need to ACT NOW too! Forward this e-mail to as many friends, family, neighbors, co-workers as you can to encourage them to get involved. You can also re-tweet our posts on Twitter, and re-post our updates on Facebook to let everyone know what's up with our collective #equalityaction!

In the meantime, we'll keep you updated throughout the week on what's happening in Raleigh. 

Stay tuned for news and what we're hearing from legislators on the inside by following the action on Twitter at the hashtag: #equalityaction.

Thank-you for your support of Equality,

Jen Jones

P.S. Check out www.equalitync.org to learn more about the amendment and how you can fight it RIGHT NOW.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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