Friday, July 1, 2011

Tillis the douchebag in the Mirror

#ncga #ssm, #marriageequality #douchebag

N.C. Speaker of the House Thom Tillis says he expects the anti-LGBT amendment to pass by the required three-fifths needed to send it to the ballot in 2012Like most republicans they are so blinded by the party loyalty and/or stupidity they are beyond any help at all. Yes, he smiles like a fox whom just raided the chicken house. However, it was nice of him to give his staff a 27% pay increase, so his staff can afford private school for their children after his party mates and him gutted public education so that no North Carolinian child can get a education in this state.

Asked how he personally feels about gay marriage, Tillis said “data” show that traditional marriages between men and women are more stable and nurturing.

Wow, traditional marriages are more stable and nurturing, mmm -- If this was true, please Tillis explain to me and others why there are so many LGBT homeless youths on the streets. those that your so-called stable, nurturing parents threw out of their homes into the streets, after their child either came out to them, or was outed by a teacher,  priest, police officer or simply caught with their boy/girl friend by their parents.


  • 20% of homeless youth are LGBT. In comparison, the general youth population is only 10% LGBT.
  • While homeless youth typically experience severe family conflict as the primary reason for their homelessness, LGBT youth are twice as likely to experience sexual abuse before the age of 12.
  • LGBT youth, once homeless, are at higher risk for victimization, mental health problems, and unsafe sexual practices. 58.7% of LGBT homeless youth have been sexually victimized compared to 33.4% of heterosexual homeless youth
  • LGBT youth are roughly 7.4 times more likely to experience acts of sexual violence than heterosexual homeless youth
  • LGBT homeless youth commit suicide at higher rates (62%) than heterosexual homeless youth (29%)

So Tillis what if,  one of your own kids came out to you, would you throw him/her out like you throw out your garbage? Also if traditional marriage is so stable, how come there so many divorce lawyers, in this country. Why is it that over 50% of all marriages will end in a divorce.

“The defense of marriage is one that a number of folks in our base feel very strongly about,” Tillis said, noting the issue would definitely be brought up in a special fall session. “Generally speaking, it polls fairly high across the voter base. It's not a particularly partisan thing.”

Defense of marriage, wow, I thought if you want people’s marriage to last longer, you would make marriage counseling mandatory before you could file for a divorce. Doing away with no fault divorce would also be a great shirt. Better, yet mandatory pre-marriage counseling as well.

While these bigots claim to be protecting marriage from those whom wish to be marry, others are calling for an investigation all of the heterosexual marriages in the NC General Assembly that have ended in acrimonious divorce.

I can only guess that Tillis and his fellow GOP bigots in NCGA didn’t read anything about the discredited expert “testimony”during the Perry v. Schwarzenegger Prop 8 trail. Then again what about what recently happen in New York where they finally pass Marriage Equality.

But lets face the Facts on this, Tillis and his NCGA clan will vote on this measure solely because of all the money they are taken from those groups whom wants to deny LGBT’s the right to marry, we all know who they are, so no need to list them here.

Ian Palmquist, the out-going exe. director of the statewide advocacy group Equality North Carolina, says there might yet be hope for stopping the amendment.

“There are a great many Republicans, I believe, who realize that this is ultimately an issue that could hurt them,” he said, noting the recent passage of a marriage equality bill by New York’s Republican-controlled Senate.

Let’s hope Ian is right on this one.


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