Last week, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) shockingly demanded that Congress should not approve emergency aid to states battered by Hurricane Irene unless it makes offsetting budget cuts elsewhere first. Several other congressional Republicans have made the same demand since then.
Now, Rep. Nan Hayworth (R-NY) has joined this chorus of disaster aid hostage takers. Hayworth, who represents a portion of New York that the hurricane hit, said Congress has to have budget cuts before it allocates more disaster aid because the “challenges we face with the national budget have not changed,” and likened it to a family skipping a vacation:
Only days after a record-setting storm destroyed her district, Rep. Nan Hayworth and her House colleagues threatened to withhold disaster money if lawmakers don’t cut additional spending from the federal budget. “We’re facing a natural disaster in the middle of an economic disaster,” Hayworth said Wednesday. “Certainly, the challenges we face with the national budget have not changed.”
Hayworth, R-Mount Kisco, said she would only vote to replenish the federal disaster fund if new spending was offset by budget cuts. She said those cuts should come from “non-defense discretionary spending.” Hayworth likened her position to a family skipping vacation if it was overwhelmed by bills. “We have to control spending,” she said. “There’s no question about it.”
How nice, the Rich, white Republicans holding help hostage from their constituents, in order to force more budget cuts… isn’t this a form of treason?
Both Govs. Bob McDonnell (R-VA) and Chris Christie (R-NJ) have called on their fellow Republicans to immediately deliver disaster aid and put aside hostage taking about complimentary budget cuts.
I, a course blame the Tea-baggers 100%, this very racist group of Older white American who are piss that the we the people elected our first African-
American to the office of President. This as piss them off, so to get back they are attacking their very own country. Tea-Party = Traitors, Period.
If these self righteous douche bags want to cut the budget, then they all should take a 25% pay cut and pay for their own health care. That’s start in the right direction.
So just who is this new Douchebagoftheday,
Hayworth challenged Democratic incumbent John Hall in the 2010 election. She initially faced a difficult primary from state Assemblyman Greg Ball, but he dropped out of the race. She ran on the Republican, Conservative, and Independence Party ballot lines. She was endorsed by former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani.
She is a member of the GOP Young Guns and GOP's Republican Main Street Partnership. In the Republican primary, she won with 70% of the vote. She is also a member of the conservative Republican Study Committee.
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